Expanding the Frame/ing of Gendered Violence: A Multidimensional Analysis of Gendered Workplace Violence
Women’s experiences of violence have been the subject of significant feminist advocacy and scholarly research, however the strategically narrow, if compelling, focus on violence against women continues to precipitate a relatively one-dimensional depiction of interpersonal acts of aggression by (individual) men, a framing visible everywhere from posters, to textbook covers, to the news. This article mobilizes cultural critic Susan Sontag’s reflections on the politics of depicting the pain of others as a point of entry for a more fulsome theoretical elaboration that uses the insights from the established violence against women scholarship alongside symbolic, structural, and slow violence to expand the parameters of the conversation to include workplace violence. To that end, drawing on original research, we mobilize our theoretical framework to think through elementary school teachers’ experiences of student-initiated workplace violence in Canada.
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